Friday, August 11, 2006

about dying...

I talked to my dad about dying last night. He was groggy and would drop off to sleep, then awaken and continue the conversation. I asked him if it was sad to think of things he would no longer be doing. He said not really. That he realizes those things are there, but that he has so much good to look forward to in heaven, that those things don't really mean much. He's sad about Amy and how hard this will be for her. And for us. But he's truly not sad to be going.

There's a chance he'll be going home today - we'll see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you shared this particular conversation. Your dad's perspective on life and death is very comforting. I'm sad, nonetheless. I really wish that I could be there right now. Thank you again for writing so often and for being by your dad's side. Thank you also for spending time with my mom.

Love, Katie