Saturday, August 05, 2006

dehydration and nausea and nausea and nausea

Dad was up all night; he was vomiting every two hours. Amy took him into Ashland to get more fluids, but he was so bad they ended up admitting him. I arrived around 2:30 this afternoon. It was good to be there, but hard to see him so intensely miserable. At times he can't talk, at other times he is racked with hiccups. Sometimes they ease up and he can carry on a conversation, but I can tell from his eyes that he's "foggy" and that the pain is distracting. Larry and Joyce were there for quite a while - it was good to have them there. Amy and I went out to Deep Water Grille for dinner on their recommendation, and it was marvelous. We went back to be with Dad a bit more, but left to head to Iron River somewhat early as both he and Amy had slept very little and were exhausted.

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