Wednesday, August 09, 2006

green jello

What with all the "factual" stuff I was trying to convey last night, I forgot to mention that he started feeling somewhat better as the day went on. They had put a new (bigger) NG tube in, and that seemed to get clogged less and keep him more comfortable (stomach-wise if not nose-wise).

This morning he's feeling even better. Dr. Powell stopped by and thought it would be good to cap the NG tube and try him on a clear liquid diet. He had a few bites/sips and it was good to see him at least having food in front of him. So we'll see if his "gut" kicks in here!


Anonymous said...

Oh WOW, I feel so much more in touch with you Dale and Amy. Angie I am so happy you are there with your Dad. He is such a special person .. and Amy is too.

We pray for all of you several times each day. I'm so thankful we know God and know of His love and care for us. Dale, you have been a beacon in so many lives with your kindness and that sweet smile. I just know all of the staff at that hospital can see God in you. You can't give a better gift.

We love you so much, Bill & Carol Strever

Anonymous said...

We appreciate the updates and this way of communication. We(Sis Dar & Al, Renee and myself) would like to visit you on Friday if that's ok with you 3. Dar will call you tomorrow nite for verification. We continue to fervently pray for all of you...we're thankful for all the comforting verses the Bible has. Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

We love you, Dale and Amy! We are sending you many hugs and won't give up praying for that miracle. It sure warms our hearts to see your smiles!:)

Thank you, Angie, for creating this website. We love your dad and Amy so much and we can't tell you how much it means to us that we can "check in" on them each day - thank you for being our eyes and ears! Please give them hugs from us...and you, too!

Jeff, Heather, Nicholas, and Zachary Hahn
(Durand, WI)