Thursday, September 13, 2007


We've updated a few things on this site: scroll down to see some pics of the headstone. Also, the totals for contributions to the "in lieu of flowers" funds are now tallied and posted on the right-hand panel, above. And a third update: Dad's last three sermons are now available on the church site; the links are listed on the right as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy and Angela. I am at a tech meeting today for school and they were discussing blogs. It made me think of this site and decided to check it out. My heart was warmed to see the new updates. Thanks for including his last messages. I can't wait to listen to them when I get home. You know, I still expect to see Dale's smile when I enter the board room at WLBC... I obviously don't need to tell you that he is missed...but he is :)

---Leslie Carlson